Want to join our referral program? We sow the seeds; you reap the rewards. It does not get better than this.

If you want to refer people to our program, simply follow the instructions provided to you in the How to Apply section below.

You will receive a code and a picture that you can share with people you know.

When a student enrols with us using your code and picture, you get paid, following a verification process and payment from the student. There is no expiry date on your QR code. You can refer people to us any time. We appreciate your support and help.

If you’re wondering how to sell people on it though, we have news for them. When students enrol with us using the referral details you provide them with, they receive a discount on course fees. That’s a step up from their peers who receive no referral-based discounts.

(*T&C apply)

How To Apply

Click on the link provided for Lere’s referral program. A form will be provided to you. Fill it out, recheck, and when you’re ready, hit submit.

Then wait for us to get back to you with a code and picture that only you can use. We will also provide you further instructions on how to share the code and avail benefits.

Then all you gotta do is share, promote, repeat. And then don’t go anywhere. The rewards will come to you.